Our local Yonkers florist offers Same-day flower delivery. Unique customized bouquets for any occasion. Wedding and Funeral work that makes a lasting impression.
798-A Yonkers AveYonkers, NY 10704(914)969-7957

Trophy Bouquet

Trophy Bouquet



EXCLUSIVE Here’s a winning gift to recognize family, friends and co-workers of all ages! A vibrant mix of orange mini carnations, white and yellow daisy poms and purple statice are artistically hand-designed in a shiny silver trophy vase with a gold plaque that says, “You’re The Best!” It’s a truly original way to celebrate all the #1 people in your life.

  • Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability
  • Bouquet of orange mini carnations, white and yellow daisy poms, purple statice, athos pom and variegated pittosporum
  • Artistically designed in a shiny silver trophy vase with embossed handles, black pedestal base and a gold plaque that says, “You’re The Best!”; measures 7.5”H x 3.5”D
  • Arrangement measures overall approximately 13"H x 8"L


 Trophy Bouquet™Trophy Bouquet™

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