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798-A Yonkers AveYonkers, NY 10704(914)969-7957

The Lush Life™ Rose Bouquet

Item # E2-5240
The Lush Life™ Rose Bouquet
The Lush Life™ Rose Bouquet
The Lush Life™ Rose Bouquet
The Lush Life™ Rose Bouquet

Rich in color and unmatched beauty, this blushing rose bouquet flaunts a modern styling to send your warmest, heartfelt wishes to your recipient in a way they will never forget. Hot pink, orange, and red roses capture the eye and the imagination accented with green trachelium, bupleurum, and ivy vines for a fresh look. Presented in a clear glass cubed vase lined with ti green leaf material to add to the overall display, this fresh flower arrangement is ready to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, or send your thank you or get well wishes in style.



DELUX---------- 24 ROSES MIX


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