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Money Tree

Money Tree

The Money Tree bonsai is known among feng shui enthusiasts to attract the energies of wealth and prosperity. Also known as the “Good Luck Tree,” it features a unique braided trunk that brings charm to wherever it is put on display. Each stem of our ornamental plant features five to seven leaves, creating a delightful radial star pattern. Easy to care for, it’s a perfect gift for bringing good fortune to bonsai experts and novices alike.

  • Braided Money Trees are a popular favorite bonsai
  • Each trunk stem features five to seven glossy-green plume-like leaves
  • The bonsai’s trunk has been expertly trained and braided and will continue to grow as plaited
  • Hardy and exceptionally easy to care for; will thrive in direct sun or low light, with occasional or frequent watering, indoors or out; great for people who travel or don’t have a green thumb
  • Small Money Tree measures approximately 16-18"H
  • Arrives in a blue or  white ceramic planter with drip holes and matching saucer to catch runoff water
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