Our local Yonkers florist offers Same-day flower delivery. Unique customized bouquets for any occasion. Wedding and Funeral work that makes a lasting impression.
798-A Yonkers AveYonkers, NY 10704(914)969-7957

In Loving Memory Bouquet

In Loving Memory Bouquet

Honor a loving memory with our beautiful garden-inspired bouquet. Gathered with a mix of pink and purple blooms, it’s a warm and heartfelt expression of your deepest condolences.

  • All-around arrangement with pink roses, Gerbera daisies, Oriental lilies, and larkspur, white snapdragons, and lavender stock
  • Extra Large measures approximately 24”H x 15”W
  • Artistically designed in a clear glass gathering vase; measures 8”H

In Loving Memory™ Bouquet

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