Our local Yonkers florist offers Same-day flower delivery. Unique customized bouquets for any occasion. Wedding and Funeral work that makes a lasting impression.
798-A Yonkers AveYonkers, NY 10704(914)969-7957

Forever Our Angel Bouquet

Forever Our Angel Bouquet
This peaceful porcelain angel sculpture, surrounded by radiant red roses and delicate greenery, is a touching tribute to a rich life.

This radiant bouquet includes red roses, red spray roses, spiral eucalyptus, variegated pittosporum, and lemon leaf. Delivered with an Angel of Grace Keepsake.


  • Orientation: One-Sided

Forever Our Angel Bouquet by Teleflora Flower ArrangementForever Our Angel Bouquet by Teleflora Flower ArrangementForever Our Angel Bouquet by Teleflora Flower Arrangement

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