Our local Yonkers florist offers Same-day flower delivery. Unique customized bouquets for any occasion. Wedding and Funeral work that makes a lasting impression.
798-A Yonkers AveYonkers, NY 10704(914)969-7957

Luxury Orchid Bouquet

Luxury Orchid Bouquet
A spectacle of beauty and fresh color, this bouquet of cymbidium orchids is a picture perfect way to convey your every emotion. Elegant jade green cymbidium orchids, known for their longevity and stunning sophistication, are arranged amongst a variety of lush tropical greens to create an exceptional flower arrangement. Presented in a superior clear glass cylindrical vase lined with a ti leaf to add that extra special touch of charm, this bouquet will make your recipients day one they wont soon forget.Includes 4 stems of cymbidium orchids, 4 stems of aspidistra leaves, 1 stem of aralia leaves, 1 ti leaf, lily grass blades and a superior clear glass cylinder vase.
Approximately 25H x 18W.




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