EXCLUSIVE Our rustic-style bouquet is a wonderful way to celebrate the season. Red & white blooms are gathered with lush greens, snowy-tipped pinecones, birch accents and a charming plaid ribbon. Arranged in our keepsake Countryside Christmas Cachepot™, designed with a milk-washed finish and featuring a quaint village scene, it’s a gift that brings the quiet enchantment of winter to loved ones near and far.
- All-around arrangement with red roses and mini carnations; accented with baby’s breath, white birch, assorted Christmas greenery and snow-tipped pinecones picks
- Artistically designed in our keepsake Countryside Christmas Cachepot™, an oval-shaped canister adorned with a quaint village scene inspired by the quiet enchantment of a winter’s day; designed with a milk-washed finish and twin handles; measures 5"H x 4.25"W x 6.5"L
- Medium arrangement measures approximately 10.5"H x 12"W
- Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability